Comfrey Infused Oil (for external application)
Comfrey infused oil can be applied to bruises, skin abrasions, burns, aches and pains, site of broken bones and sprains. The oil helps to soften the skin so that the herbal qualities of Comfrey can penetrate the area and help to relieve pain caused by injuries.
Organic oil of choice (olive, almond, apricot, etc)
Freshly cut Organic Comfrey root, stems and/or leaves (wilted)
(can use dried Comfrey leaves and stems)
Option 1: Harvest stems and leaves and hang in small bundles or spread on drying screens to wilt/dry (12 hours- 3 days), as they are quite moist and may mold if you do not dry them a little before infusing them in oil. (Using a fan and/or heater to help circulate air will help). Now, chop or cut herb and place herb in a clean jar with organic olive oil to completely cover (having a 1/4 inch of oil covering herb on top). Allow a little room at top of jar and check after 12 hours to see if you need to top off the oil a little (making sure all herb is immersed). Store in dark place or place in brown paper bag. Try to swirl infuses oil daily, infusing positive energy. After 4-6 weeks, strain Comfrey leaves and stems from oil. Let strained oil sit for one day and check to make sure there is no water present at bottom of jar. Decant the oil from the water if water separates and is present at bottom of jar. (Some of our chickens love to feast on this discarded oily herb when it is mixed with other leftover food scraps).
Option 2: Use an old crock pot with a low setting. Place chopped or cut leaves/stems in oil. Heat oil on lowest setting in crock pot for 2-4 hours (not above 110-120 degrees F) and strain. Keep an eye on the temperature of the oil, as oil will lose its healing properties if heated above 110- 120 degrees. Let strained oil sit for one day and check to make sure there is no water present at bottom of jar. Decant the oil from the water if it is present at bottom of jar.
Enjoy oil as a healing remedy on its own or include it with other oils and/or with beeswax for a healing salve.
Comfrey Salve
This salve is very soothing and healing to skin irritations, bruises, sprains and rashes. It can also be used on the wound before adding a compress and/ or fomentation to help soften skin, making it easier to penetrate into wounded area with the healing allantoin from the Comfrey.
1 cup Comfrey leaf and stem (or root) (wilted or dried) infused oil (this can be made with other herbs as well, such as Plantain, Calendula, Chickweed, Violet)
1/4 cup Clean Grated Beeswax (use more if you like a very firm salve)
Optional: add 1/2 teaspoon Vitamin E oil as additional preservative
First, prepare an herb infused oil.
To make the salve, add 1/4 cup grated beeswax to double boiler. If using pyrex or mason jar, place in pot of gently boiling water to melt. Meanwhile, pour in one cup of herbal infused oils to heat proof jar, 2-cup measuring pyrex container or double boiler with beeswax. When beeswax is melted, remove jar of solution from heat and pour into small jars or tins. It will thicken and harden as it cools. If the consistency is not to your liking, simply remelt salve and make adjustments (more beeswax for a firmer salve or more oil for a softer salve).
Apply as needed (3-4 times a day) and feel nature’s healing powers!
Comfrey Compress or Fomentation
This is an external application of herbs to help treat or alleviate swellings, aches and pains, bruising, sprains and the healing of broken bones. Hot (and/or alternating with cold) fomentations can help to stimulate the circulation of blood or lymph in the wounded area and allow healing qualities of the Comfrey to enter slowly through skin.
Fresh or Dried Comfrey Root, and/or Leaves and Stems
Clean moisture absorbent cloth or towel
Hot pad or hot water bottle (optional)
Make a comfrey tea of two to three Tablespoons dried Comfrey with one cup just boiled water. Steep for 15 minutes or longer and strain. Place clean cloth in tea and wring out. Apply to desired area. For a hot fomentation, place a dry cloth over hot tea cloth and cover with heating pad or hot bottle. The heat will help relax achiness. This can be alternated with cold compresses to increase circulation to area. It can also be combined with a warm comfrey poultice and Comfrey oil for even more herbal healing.