Purple Coneflower (Echinacea purpurea, pallida, angustifolia)

echinacea flowers
Echinacea purpurea
echinacea roots
Echinacea Root

As winter is fully upon us now and the snow capped cones of the tall, hardy, stems of Purple Coneflower are apparent in the landscape, the birds remind me to consider this plant as part of my winter wellness plan. Juncos and finches continue to be attracted to these plants now; and when the showy flowers are in full bloom in the summer, they attract all sorts of other pollinators. Echinacea species are herbaceous perennials in the Asteraceae family and can often be found in sunny open fields, prairies, and gardens in Zones 3-8. They tolerate a wide variety of soil types and are easy to grow once they are established. There are nine species of Echinacea that are native to North America, with E. purpurea and E. pallida being the most common in our area of the Midwest, and are easier to grow than other species, in my experience. E. pallida and purpurea have purplish pink flowers with a large brownish cone, rough, stiff stems and dark green ovate leaves that often self seed and propagate easily.

Echinacea is widely known in many parts of the world as plant medicine, having been used traditionally by Native Americans and researched extensively, especially in Germany. The flowers are harvested when they are in full bloom in the summer and the fresh roots are dug in the fall after the leaves turn brown and before the ground is frozen. A benefit of digging the fresh root of E. pallida and purpurea is sampling it and often observing the sweet and pungent tingling effect on the tongue when it is tasted, a technique I learned from Richo Cech in 2015 at a workshop he conducted here in Illinois.

The energetic tendencies of Echinacea spp. are cooling, drying, and stimulating. *Some of the actions are anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antibacterial, antiviral, sialagogue, and immune stimulating (having an effect on increased antibody production and phagocytosis). Some of the key constituents of Echinacea are echinacosides, sesquiterpenes, tannins, and polysaccharides, which are thought to be immune enhancing.(Tilgner, 2009)

Buhner, 2012 and Gladstar, 2012, suggest that fresh Echinacea can be juiced or used in teas and tinctures to stimulate the immune system and help with sepsis, as well as topical infections. It has been suggested by many herbalists that it is best taken at the onset of a cold or flu and less effective if taken after the illness has set in. Some herbalists suggest taking frequent doses and then lessening the amount as the illness subsides. Some herbalists also suggest taking a rest from using Echinacea after a few weeks, but this idea varies in the herbal community. (My experience is that these plants vary from year to year and one method or rule cannot be assumed for each person and plant, across years; and so getting to know the plants and experimenting with small doses is prudent, until one knows what is working best for them).

Other historical uses of Echinacea tincture have been for sore throat, tonsillitis, or as a mouthwash for sores and ulcers where there is direct contact with the tissue being treated. For external application, it has traditionally been used by some Native Americans and herbalists for venomous stings and bites as a wash or spray. Powders and poultices may also be applied externally.

I especially like Echinacea tincture and/or tea mixed with elderberry syrup, ginger and licorice to make a wellness stimulant when I am feeling that first sign of illness. And I have found that it works well with specific herbs when there is a particular body system that is in need of support. We also like it in a topical bug bite salve and throat spray, where we have allowed it to make direct contact with the back of the throat to ease soreness.

If you are thinking of harvesting some of the roots, look for a three to four year plant to dig up in an established population, taking only what you plan to work with. Mindful and ethical wildcrafting practices are crucial in how we approach overall health, so that we continue to support all cultivated and wild populations of the plants we harvest. Another way to ensure the potential of healthy populations, is to spread seeds at the time of harvest.

May we all support the healing qualities in nature and in each other and may we bring a sense of well being into the world that we all share.

These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.