It has been rainy for almost a week, as is often the case in April. At last, the sun peeked through the clouds this morning, briefly, and my daughter and I happily witnessed the bright yellow dandelions that began to appear in the lawns around town, on our way to school. Dandelions are an underappreciated weed and another one of nature’s gifts of nourishment to our health. It saddens me that dandelions are viewed by many people as unsightly weeds that even inspire the buying and applying of poisons in one’s own yard or parks (where children and pets often play). As we get to know Dandelion; maybe, we will rethink our relationship with these cheery weeds.
Dandelions are members of the Asteraceae family, the second largest family of flowering plants and are probably the most recognized plant that grows all around us. They are herbaceous perennials that have naturalized throughout the U.S. The toothed leaves can grow to 10-40 cm in length, forming a rosette. The hollow flower stalks emanate directly from the long taproot at the center of the rosette and are unbranched and leafless (with milky white latex). The single composite flowerhead at the end of each hollow stalk is a distinguishing characteristic of dandelion, as well as the yellow composite flower with its ray flowers (petals) that overlap to the center.
The entire dandelion plant is edible. I have heard it suggested by herbalists that it is one of the most nutritious plants on earth. As a young child, my dad would send me out to gather the greens in early spring to add to our dinner salad. Dandelion greens are considered a spring tonic and after a long winter of not eating fresh greens, these nutrient dense greens are often craved. The energy and taste is bitter, cold and sweet; having an affinity for the liver, kidneys, Gall bladder, spleen, stomach, pancreas and bladder. In different herbal traditions it is thought to clear heat and toxins. The green leaves are high in vitamins A, K and beta carotene, while the roots are high in vitamins C, E, thiamine, riboflavin, B6, folate, and the minerals iron, potassium, calcium, and manganese.
I will be honest and say that the greens are quite bitter and depending on when they are harvested and how they are prepared can make a big difference in enjoying them or merely tolerating them. In my experience, the greens are typically less bitter in early spring and when they are younger. They can be eaten anytime during its growth cycle and eaten raw or cooked. Try steaming, boiling, and/or eating a raw salad mixed with a variety of greens; adding a healthy dressing or a drizzle of olive oil and fresh garlic might help make the dish more savory. The roots are best dug in the fall of early spring, but can be harvested at anytime. They can be steamed or stir fried like a root vegetable or dried and roasted to make a tea. The flowers and stalks can be eaten as well or collected and made into dandelion wine, tea or an infused vinegar or oil. Dandelion flower cookies are also a delicious way to incorporate nature’s goodness.
There are many ways to prepare the different parts of dandelion for its nutritional and medicinal uses. See the Herbal Recipes of this website for a few ideas. Learning to acquire a taste for its bitterness can take time. Try nibbling on several leaves each day, and eating dandelion mixed in other foods. Perhaps, we can learn to appreciate this free and abundant weed and nourish ourselves and the earth in the process. The honey bees will thank us, too, as dandelion flowers are a rich source of nectar and pollen for many of them and other insects, as well.
May the weeds be plentiful and our appreciation for them grow ever deeper!