Elder (Sumbucus nigra spp. canadensis)


It is a cold wintery day and although the snowy landscape is beautiful and it is a lovely time of year, there are numerous stories of friends and family members succumbing to various strains of the flu. Sometimes the good habit of washing our hands constantly and nourishing ourselves well, is not enough to prevent a highly infectious virus from taking up residency in our lungs. It is with gratitude that we turn to Elder for some protection and relief.

Elder, a native to Europe, is a large perennial shrub or tree, thought by most taxonomists, to be in the Caprifoliaceae family. Different species grow throughout North America, as well as many other parts of the world. On recent trips to the UK and South America, we saw it growing as a small tree throughout the English and Scottish countryside, and in urban landscapes of Bogota, Colombia, where older women were known to harvest from it to use as medicine. It has long been used by herbalists in many communities throughout history, for all sorts of healing.

On a walk in June, through the countryside, chances are you will see Elder growing along creek beds or forming hedges along the sides of the roads. The leaflets can be 4-10 cm, varying in number from 5-9 and are dark green, oval shaped, and arranged opposite of each other. Elder thrives in moist areas with moderate sun and is often in community with Stinging nettle, wild brambles, and Cleavers. The creamy colored flowers that form in umbels, bloom in June and the clusters of purplish berries that ripen in August are the most common parts of the plant that are used in herbal medicine. I want to note that some people do use the bark, fresh leaves and dried bark in medicine making, as these parts of the plant are more potent than the flowers and berries, but caution is advised, as they are also higher in concentrations of cyanide and could induce vomiting if not prepared carefully. Stephen Buhner gives a nice account on other ways to work with Elder in his book Herbal Antivirals, 2013.

Elderberry is one of the most effective herbs for preventing and treating colds and upper respiratory infections. It is anti-inflammatory, pain relieving, antibacterial, anticancer and high in antioxidants C and E. Elderberry stimulates the immune system and can be used as a preventative medicine, taken in small doses as a decoction/tea or syrup, throughout the flu season (See Herbal Recipes). Elderberry and flowers have antiviral capabilities against various strains of influenza A, B and other viruses such as Herpes Simplex, Epstein-Barr and HIV, as well as other microorganisms. Elder inhibits viral replication and maturation of viruses. Elder binds the influenza virus, resulting in the inability of the virus to penetrate and infect the healthy host cell. Increasing the doses during an influenza infection can help to lessen the symptoms and speed recovery time.

The Elder flowers are used internally as tinctures or teas for colds and fever, especially in combination with Yarrow and Peppermint or Lemon Balm (See Herbal Recipes). The flowers are also used topically to soothe and soften the skin and can be infused in oil and made into creams and lotions. The berries are often made into a jam, wine, syrup, tincture, or decoction. In addition to helping with influenza, Elderberry can also be helpful in cases of bronchitis, hay fever, sinusitis, nasal congestion, sore throat, edema, urinary tract infections, neuralgia and rheumatism. We also enjoy a warm Elderberry cordial, as a preventative, before bed during most nights of the flu season, in a small handmade cup that our son made for us… a most delicious ritual that helps keep us all relatively healthy.

May you also experience the healing and protective qualities of Elder in your garden and in your hearts, minds and bodies throughout all the seasons and offer gratitude for her many benefits!