Calendula (Calendula officinalis)


As the long sunny days of summer are upon us, the bright orange and yellow flowers of Calendula begin to adorn our garden. They bloom along with St. John’s Wort, Yarrow, and Borage which are set amidst a bed of green milky oats ready for harvest. Mid to late June is a beautiful time of year in the garden and everyday brings new delights. Herbal musings run rampant and the radiant offerings of the plants in celebration of the Summer Solstice, only heighten the magical quality and timelessness that is experienced.

Calendula is often referred to as pot marigold (not the same flower as the marigold, Tagetes, that is often companion planted with tomatoes) and in zone 5, where we live, Calendula is considered an annual. Seeds are sowed directly in the garden after the last hard frost, and with full sunshine and some attention to weeding the young seedlings, we witness the rapid growth from seed to blossom in approximately two months. Calendula is amazingly prolific; the more we pick the flowers, the more they seem to grow, with new blossoms appearing every 2- 3 days. Additionally, they will often continue to bloom until the first Autumn frost if care is taken in harvesting flowers from the somewhat fragile 2-3 foot light green plants.

Calendula officinalis is a member of the large Asteraceae family and is native to southern Europe and northern Africa, but is widely cultivated and naturalized throughout North America, Europe and North Africa. The species name indicates its long use as an official healing remedy in the practice of medicine. Calendula flowers have been used medicinally for centuries to heal wounds, burns and rashes, both externally and internally. The fresh and/or dried flowers are used topically in the form of oils, salves, lotions, facial creams, poultices and compresses. The fresh or dried flowers can be taken in the form of a tea or tincture to support the immune system and lift the spirits. And, the beautiful petals are a great addition to adorn any summer salad. (See Herbal Recipes for Calendula)

According to many of the contemporary and older herbals, Calendula is a great herb for all sorts of skin disorders. It acts as a vulnerary, anti-inflammatory, emmenagogue, antiseptic, diaphoretic, antispasmodic, demulcent, astringent, antiviral and antifungal. Calendula contains volatile oils that have a stimulating effect on blood circulation, which can result in sweating, lowering fevers and aiding skin eruptions to be brought out more quickly. Applying Calendula oil, tincture or a calendula tea (wash) can be very effective with skin disorders, including shingles, measles and fungal conditions. Applying a poultice or a juice of the fresh petals, also works very well to soothe pain and promote healing. And a calendula salve is wonderful for all sorts of rashes, including persistent diaper rashes.

Calendula has a warm energy and is rather bitter. It has an affinity to the Liver, Heart and Lungs, invigorating blood and moving lymphatic congestion. A strong tea or tincture can be taken internally for fevers, gastric ulcers, inflammation and menstrual cramps (some herbalists suggest not to be used internally during pregnancy). Taking Calendula internally with topical applications might be more effective for some disorders, especially chronic skin disorders. Another nice application is as a tea that is cooled and used as an eyewash for tired, red, and irritated eyes.

Growing Calendula and incorporating her healing qualities into our daily lives in her many forms, is like inviting the power of the sunshine, itself, into our lives. May we know her radiance inwardly and outwardly and may we share this healing and bright light to all we encounter.